Sant Martí Sarroca is a municipality in the Alt Penedès region and although it is a remote village, we would dare to say that it is one of the most beautiful to see if you are interested in discovering less known alternatives to what to do in Barcelona city.
Sant Martí Sarroca is a municipality known for its water springs that run through much of the territory and are important tributaries to supply water to most of its villages. Although from time to time they are spaces for recreation and leisure both for its inhabitants and for tourists visiting the area. The historical and architectural richness that surrounds this place is indescribable and also brings together great reasons to visit this extraordinary town in Catalonia.
As you already know, at Willysplan we offer you plans and leisure activities to enjoy during the weekend and in your free time. Thus, this route from Castell St. Martí Sarroca to the Balcó del Penedès viewpoint, consists of three natural activities, which are also suitable for any type of public.
Castell St. Martí Sarroca: The first historical data on this beautiful castle dates back to the 10th century, when it served as a watchtower and protection point for its inhabitants. Today it is a “Historic Artistic Monument of National Interest” and opens its doors to the public to be visited, with an entrance fee of 2,60€.
Pèlags del Foix: here we propose you to enjoy an environment of natural waters and a bath in the most beautiful waters of the Foix.
We recommend you to visit the magnificent views offered by the “Castell del Foix”. A monumental complex located 3.4 km away, which can be reached by car or on foot.
Balcó del Penedès: finally we will see the sunset from this spectacular viewpoint, while enjoying the incredible views overlooking the Penedès.
Castell St. Martí Sarroca
One of the most outstanding tourist attractions in this town is the monumental architectural ensemble of the Castell St. Martí Sarroca and the Church of Santa Maria. This work stands on top of the rock hill. The main objective of this construction was to serve as a lookout and protection, watching over its inhabitants from the top.
Built before the tenth century, this beautiful place today allows us to enjoy one of the best panoramic views of the wine plain of El Penedès and is a must to know the influence of the Romanesque, both in architecture and in the history of this place.
Pèlags del Foix
What most characterizes the Penedés is the water that flows in the form of rivers and streams, throughout the length and breadth of the region. For this reason, water is the protagonist of most of its excursions.
In the second place of our Willy’s plan, we propose you to take a bath in Pèlags del Foix . This place belongs to the valleys of the Foix river and is a freshwater reserve that keeps the best natural environment behind it.
The plan of this itinerary is to cross the creek and continue downstream along the sides of the river, ending up in the woods and orchards that accompany it. In the middle of the route there are calmer areas where you can take a bath and there is a fountain in “the hole in the rock”, where you can see the source of the water. And if you ask about “the lake of the girls”, you will learn a funny and romantic story.
Balcó del Penedès
There is no better way to admire a landscape from the top of a viewpoint and the Balcó del Penedès is a clear example of this. This viewpoint offers an extraordinary view of the Mediterranean Sea and as a backdrop the great plains of the Alt Penedès.
In addition, from this place you can appreciate the great majority of the wine crops of the region, one of the main economic and tourist productions of the whole region. So at this final point of the route we recommend you to take a delicious glass of wine, preferably if it is from a nearby harvest and take the best pictures of the entire route, while enjoying one of the best sunsets you could have ever imagined.